NFS won't mount on boot

Solution 1:

This question is a bit old but I thought I might share what solved this problem for me. I had this same issue after following the 12.04 server guide.

Everything has worked well since I changed my /etc/fstab entry options to include nfsvers=3 per comment #6 in this bug report. My current fstab entry (working on three clients) is as below. /home nfs nfsvers=3,hard,intr,auto 0 0

Solution 2:

It might be because the IP address of the NFS server in your fstab file is different from the one you use via CLI...

Solution 3:

I had the same problem on a few servers since upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04. nfsvers=3 didn't resolve the issue for me. Adding

mount -a

to /etc/rc.local did though.