kget, Skype, and Vuze are not showing up in my panel

Solution 1:

That is probably because in Natty the system tray is disabled by default. You can however "whitelist" applications. These applications will then show up in the top left corner of your screen right next to your other application indicators where they used to be.

To whitelist an application you can use dconf-tools.

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Alt + F2 and type dconf-editor

Go to com.canonical.Unity.Panel (desktop -> unity -> panel) and change systray-whitelist.

Add the applications you want to whitelist. For example for skype add , 'Skype'.

Some information on how to debug this is here:

  • How do I know what to whitelist to allow my application into the system tray?


I got another idea. Try to add "notification area" to your panel. I was able to reproduce the same behaviour. Having Skype in the whitelist but the tray icon did not show up. It's probably because in your panel is only the "indicator applet complete" which has problems showing even whitelistet applications (using the classic desktop).