Where are Adobe Flash cookies (sol files) stored?

Adobe Flash cookies (files with .sol extension) used to be located in ~/.macromedia. This folder no longer exists in Ubuntu 14.04LTS and newer. If the method of installing Flash has any effect on the location, the Ubuntu Installer option is how I installed it. So where are the Flash Cookies now located? I've tried searching for .sol files with no luck - and yes I have "Show Hidden Files" enabled in File Manager. Does anyone know where they're stored now?

If you checked the "Install this third party software" option during Ubuntu installation process, you're using NPAPI Adobe Flash plugin installed through flashplugin-installer package. The same plugin is provided by adobe-flashplugin package from Canonical Partner repo as well. This is the plugin generally used by Firefox and all other browsers not based on Chromium. In this case, the cookies are stored at:


Google Chrome bundles a Pepper Plugin API (PPAPI) based Flash plugin. For this plugin, the .sol files are stored at:

~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Pepper Data/Shockwave Flash/WritableRoot/#SharedObjects/

If you use the PPAPI Flash plugin on other Chromium based browsers, replace google-chrome in the path given above with name of your browser. For example, with Chromium:

~/.config/chromium/Default/Pepper Data/Shockwave Flash/WritableRoot/#SharedObjects/

Tested on Adobe Flash 21.0 PPAPI and 11.2 NPAPI plugins.

Source : Wikipedia page on Local Shared Object
Thanks to Xen2050 for providing info about Flash plugin on Chromium! 😊

There is the ~/.macromedia folder in 11.04. Your flash cookies are located in ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys directory.

There is another way to see your flash cookies and make whatever you want with them in the Global Storage Settings panel from the Adobe Flash Player Website.

Also, if you want to find out more about flash cookies, there are many things to know about them here.