New posts in smooth-manifolds

Is there any noncompact manifold with the fixed point property?

Prove the existence of such an immersion

Is the interior of a smooth manifold with boundary connected?

Is $f^{-1}(1)$ a submanifold of $\Bbb S^2\times \Bbb S^2$?

Newton iteration on Riemannian manifolds

How is the directional derivative used to determine the tangent map?

Is the cuspidal cubic $\{y^2 = x^3\} \subset \Bbb R^2$ not smooth?

Characterization of $\mathbb{R}^n$?

Tangent bundle of sphere as a complex manifold

Is the image of the map $A \to \bigwedge^{k}A $ an embedded submanifold of $\text{GL}(\bigwedge^{k}V)$?

What are examples of parallelizable complex projective varieties?

Is a bijective smooth function a diffeomorphism almost everywhere?

How to see that SL(2,C) is simply connected?

Volume forms and volume of a smooth manifold

Was the Lie bracket once called the Poisson bracket? (Milnor's Morse Theory)

Can $\mathbb C P^4$ be smoothly embedded in $\mathbb R^{12}$?

Are there exotic balls?

Is every diffeomorphism an element of a one parameter group of diffeomorphims?

How is the inclusion map both an Immersion and Submersion between Manifolds

Relation between exterior derivative and Lie bracket