New posts in shell

Bash: Find folders with less than x files

What's the point of eval/bash -c as opposed to just evaluating a variable?

Extract version number from a string

change default shell from zsh to bash

Zipping files greater than 2GB in bash shell

iTunes OS X full system crash cont'd: is a bad media file the culprit? How do I isolate it?

If I know the PID number of a process can I know its name?

How do I get cd to switch to the full path when following symbolic links?

How to connect to a SSH session that was backgrounded with -f -N?

Why don't I see pipe operators in most high-level languages?

How to substitute quoted, multi-word strings as arguments?

Use sudo without password INSIDE a script

SSH Tunnel for restricted user w/ PuTTY and no shell

Sourcing an alias file in oh my zsh custom/ folder

Test if login is an scp connection

assigning value to shell variable using a function return value from Python

Is there an elegant way to store and evaluate return values in bash scripts?

Run shell script (with parameters) on Windows command line via Plink

What's the difference between $@ and $* in UNIX?

Access local console via SSH