New posts in sentence-meaning

Meaning of a sentence in "Aurora Leigh"

Asking a question “did you use to...?” when we don't know whether person still have that habit or not?

A more appropriate sentence for “I hope you are the right person to ask.” [closed]

What is the meaning of a quote by Walt Whitman as follows [closed]

What does "uncontrolled document" mean? [closed]

They have some background strong

Sentence meaning (Story- The Tiger King)

Allow X: What’s the difference between "for the sharing of X" and "to share X"? Do they mean the same thing?

Which are right: "I lost one of my friend’s phone number" Or "I lost one of my friends’ phone number" [closed]

"Can live no more" vs "can no more live"

meaning of "obvious statement" and "the form of lengthy"

what does the sentence "I'd hate for anything to come between us" means?

What does "convey/possess a sense of immediacy" mean?

What does "object" mean in this sentence?

What does "having a confirm for someone" mean?

What does "crust of a rhinoceros" mean?

"I could be something approaching myself''

Is the sentence logical?

What does the word occupancy mean in this sentence? [closed]

What is meaning of "bad pitch" and "grab him and stuff under a mattress..." in the first episode of Rick&Morty?