New posts in scaling

Image scaling by CSS: is there a webkit alternative for -moz-crisp-edges?

Sharding MongoDB internationally with data stored based on location

understanding Openstack physical architecture [closed]

Fractional scaling resets after logout in 20.04

When is the right time to add a separate database server, add more web servers?

Distributed Concurrency Control

Setting monitor scaling to 200% with xrandr

Force games stretch into full screen in lower resolution?

Is there a way to specify separate scaling factors for multiple monitors in Windows 8.1? [duplicate]

Scaling display for Mac OSX in VMWare

Update scaling without restart / relogin in KDE?

What does "Disable Display Scaling on High DPI Settings" on Windows 10 mean?

`indicator-cpufreq` doesn't seem to work on 14.10

Ubuntu Mate desktop scaling for 4k displays

Windows 10 update made most of my programs big and blurry

How to set the scaling of the display through command line?

How can I have 2 database servers for my website?

Is it possible to adjust a font's vertical scaling using CSS?

Avoid Blurry texts when having 150% of normal DPI (windows 8.1)

Problem with scaling on Debian-based distro