New posts in gaming

Mixing stereo audio signal into one headphone can. For computer games [closed]

Application location downloaded from store in Windows 10

Does my monitor's GTG response time matter if it's faster than my refresh rate?

When buying a video card, what specs should I compare/which are most important?

How do I make Windows mute background applications?

Blue Screen Of Death Only After Playing Counter Strike 1.6 [closed]

Force games stretch into full screen in lower resolution?

Games on windows 8 in bootcamp lag even on lowest graphics

Using SSH Tunneling to play Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (SMAC) Multiplayer Online

ERROR: App can't run on your PC. Tried all options found on internet to fix

Is there any way of improving Doom graphics when running it on DOSBox?

Nvidia Quadro 5600 fx, and high end games

Does X11 actually have a native fullscreen mode?

Can I run games smoothly on a server via RDP? [closed]

Bug when minimizing 16-bit color games in Windows 8 or later

What is the modern way to get emulated 3D on headphones in a video game (PC)?

Networking - Games can't see/join anyone else's LAN servers, unless I host

Mah Jonng game on from 1991 will not run

How to prevent any game from running on a PC

Combine GPU calculation power