you might want to consider using Hazelcast distributed locks. Super lite and easy.

java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock lock = Hazelcast.getLock ("mymonitor");
lock.lock ();
try {
// do your stuff
}finally {

Hazelcast - Distributed Queue, Map, Set, List, Lock

We use Terracotta, so I would like to vote for that.

I've been following Hazelcast and it looks like another promising technology, but can't vote for it since I've not used it, and knowing that it uses a P2P based system at its heard, I really would not trust it for large scaling needs.

But I have also heard of Zookeeper, which came out of Yahoo, and is moving under the Hadoop umbrella. If you're adventurous trying out some new technology this really has lots of promise since it's very lean and mean, focusing on just coordination. I like the vision and promise, though it might be too green still.


Terracotta is closer to a "tiered" model - all client applications talk to a Terracotta Server Array (and more importantly for scale they don't talk to one another). The Terracotta Server Array is capable of being clustered for both scale and availability (mirrored, for availability, and striped, for scale).

In any case as you probably know Terracotta gives you the ability to express concurrency across the cluster the same way you do in a single JVM by using POJO synchronized/wait/notify or by using any of the java.util.concurrent primitives such as ReentrantReadWriteLock, CyclicBarrier, AtomicLong, FutureTask and so on.

There are a lot of simple recipes demonstrating the use of these primitives in the Terracotta Cookbook.

As an example, I will post the ReentrantReadWriteLock example (note there is no "Terracotta" version of the lock - you just use normal Java ReentrantReadWriteLock)

import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;

public class Main
    public static final Main instance = new Main();
    private int counter = 0;
    private ReentrantReadWriteLock rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);

    public void read()
        while (true) {
                try {
                System.out.println("Counter is " + counter);
            } finally {
            try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {  }

    public void write()
        while (true) {
            try {
               System.out.println("Incrementing counter.  Counter is " + counter);
            } finally {
            try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {  }

    public static void main(String[] args)
        if (args.length > 0)  {
            // args --> Writer
        } else {
            // no args --> Reader

I recommend to use Redisson. It implements over 30 distributed data structures and services including java.util.Lock. Usage example:

Config config = new Config();
Redisson redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Lock lock = redisson.getLock("anyLock");
try {
} finally {
