New posts in scala

In Scala, is there an easy way to convert a case class into a tuple?

Should I use the final modifier when declaring case classes?

aggregate function Count usage with groupBy in Spark

Small and good scala projects to learn scala -- especially functional programming and type system [closed]

What are the biggest differences between Scala 2.8 and Scala 2.7?

Apache Spark: Get number of records per partition

Calculating the Moving Average of a List

Replace element in List with scala

Finding the index of an element in a list scala

Why is the Aux technique required for type-level computations?

What are the differences between asInstanceOf[T] and (o: T) in Scala?

Scala on iOS using Avian

Pattern matching with conjunctions (PatternA AND PatternB)

Scala 2.8 CanBuildFrom

How do you define a local var/val in the primary constructor in Scala?

Perform a typed join in Scala with Spark Datasets

What is the meaning of colon, underscore and star in lift's SiteMap(entries:_*)?

How are Scala collections able to return the correct collection type from a map operation?

How to apply a function to a tuple?

In Scala, how can I subclass a Java class with multiple constructors?