New posts in scala-2.8

How to convert a Seq[A] to a Map[Int, A] using a value of A as the key in the map?

What's the right way to use

How to use Scala in IntelliJ IDEA (or: why is it so difficult to get a working IDE for Scala)?

How do I exclude/rename some classes from import in Scala?

Function syntax puzzler in scalaz

How to choose a random element from an array in Scala?

Scala 2.8 CanBuildFrom

Implementing yield (yield return) using Scala continuations

Does the @inline annotation in Scala really help performance?

Scala pattern matching with lowercase variable name

Scala Map implementation keeping entries in insertion order?

Scala 2.8 collections design tutorial

What are Scala continuations and why use them?

Package objects

How can I convert immutable.Map to mutable.Map in Scala?

Overload constructor for Scala's Case Classes?

How to write to a file in Scala?

What do <:<, <%<, and =:= mean in Scala 2.8, and where are they documented?

What is a "context bound" in Scala?

Scala 2.8 breakOut