New posts in salutations

Is a salutation necessary in an email to an unknown person?

I want to refer to Bill Gates on his blog with respect in the comments section

How to address letter to a company [closed]

Salutation for two doctors (not married)

Salutation for three or more professors

"Dear Sir (or Madam)" when gender unknown? [duplicate]

Greeting: "Cold enough for you?"

To whoever it may concern

Using "dear", "darling", or "honey" to address a friend

Official e-mail

Should a note be addressed with "Hi all" or "Hi All"?

A first line of a business email when you don't know the name nor gender of a person you write to (and time-agnostic too) [duplicate]

What is the best salutation to use in cover letter when I don't have contact information?

Are greetings and salutations redundant in an e-mail?

Title in a letter to an unknown person

How should I address someone with a known name and unknown gender?

"Dear Sir or Madam" versus "To whom it may concern"