New posts in roots

Number of zeros of $f(x)= \frac{1}{2} E\left[ \tanh \left( \frac{x+Z}{2} \right) \right]-\tanh(x)+\frac{x}{2}$ where $Z$ is standard normal

Solving $x^2+bx^{1+\varepsilon}+c =0$

Roots of a finite Fourier series?

Number of real roots of $\frac{a_1}{a_1-x}+\frac{a_2}{a_2-x}+...+\frac{a_n}{a_n-x}=2016$ for $0<a_1<...<a_n$?

Find the maximum value of $ \sqrt{x^4-3x^2-6x+13} - \sqrt{x^4-x^2+1} $ [duplicate]

Is there any dictionary that decomposes an English word into prefix, root, and suffix?

Is the complex derivative "speed"?

Sum of roots of cubic = -coefficient of quadratic term?

Finding the Number of Zeros of a Function in a Given Annulus

$\log x =Cx^4$ has only one root. Find C

Help with Cardano's Formula

$n \approxeq k + 2^{2^k}(k+1)$. How can one get the value of $k(n)$ from this equation?

Finding the sum of squares of roots of a quartic polynomial.

Zeroes of the Fourier transform of bump functions

Density of set of zeroes

Prove that all roots of $\sum_{r=1}^{70} \frac{1}{x-r} =\frac{5}{4} $ are real

Suppose that $x^5$ and $20x+\frac {19}x$ are rational numbers. Then $x$ is also rational

Finding cubic with golden ratio as root

Rational Roots of Riemann's $\zeta$ Function

How to remove duplicate roots from a polynomial?