New posts in ring-theory

Are these two quotient rings of $\Bbb Z[x]$ isomorphic?

Conceptual question about the strategy used in the following theorem: Every Ideal of $F[x]$ is Principal

Characteristic of a Non-unital Integral Ring

Is $\sqrt{2}\in{\Bbb Z}[\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}]$ true?

Must an ideal generated by an irreducible element be a maximal ideal?

Every non-unit is in some maximal ideal

Localization at a prime ideal in $\mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z}$

An "atom" in Boolean algebra

Alternative proof of $I$ maximal implies $I$ prime

Can ring homomorphisms be characterized as ring maps such that preimage of any ideal is an ideal?

A question on definition of field of fractions

A confusion about Axiom of Choice and existence of maximal ideals.

Bijection between sets of ideals

Prove that a mapping from C to M2(R) is injective and a homomorphismm

$p$-Sylow subring

Example of a Ring that has nothing to do with numbers

Proving a prime ideal is maximal in a PID

If and Ideal of a Ring has a prime Ideal, then prime ideal is Ideal of the given Ring [duplicate]

Q[x,y]/(x) = Q[y]? [closed]

What is the meaning of $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})$