Conceptual question about the strategy used in the following theorem: Every Ideal of $F[x]$ is Principal

To refresh everyone, the following picture from Pinter's "A Book of Abstract Algebra" details the proof for the theorem that Every Ideal of $F[x]$ is Principal:

Picture of proof

This strategy is pretty common, so I have seen it plenty of times. However, my question arises from the fact that:

$\operatorname{deg}(0)$ is undefined

i.e. the degree of the $0$ polynomial is undefined. As such, it almost feels like this proof is comparing oranges to the sense that it feels like it is saying:

Well, if the $r(x)$ polynomial has this property (i.e. $\neq 0$), its degree is a number that would be, it must be this other thing, whose degree is 'undefined'.

Is something that is undefined still "a number"? Or is it something that is entirely "non-number"? How exactly does one logically evaluate this? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Another way of reframing this question is:

How does one compare an assumption that describes a numerical property to an object that has an undefined numerical property? i.e. $b(x)$ is described as having some $n \in \mathbb Z$ degree that must be the smallest am I supposed to compare an undefined number (i.e. $\operatorname{deg} (r(x)=0))$ to this $n$?

If I cannot make this comparison, how can I decide whether or not it is a contradiction?

Solution 1:

The proof is fine - it's meant (though not explicitly stated) that $b(x)$ has the lowest degree among non-zero polynomials, which avoids that issue at that point in the proof. The later part of the proof never references $\deg 0$ - note that it quotes the remainder theorem in the following sense:

[We can] write $$a(x)=b(x)q(x)+r(x)$$ where $r(x) = 0$ or $\deg r(x) < \deg b(x)$.

Observe that there are two alternatives: either $r(x)=0$ or we take its degree to be lesser than that of $b(x)$. It finds out that the second alternative is absurd, and thus concludes the first alternative. It's formally just "We know $A$ or $B$ is true and $B$ is not true. Therefore, $A$ is true."

Note that it's also somewhat common to say that $\deg 0 = -\infty$ to preserve various properties of degree and to make the remainder theorem unconditionally state $\deg r(x) < \deg b(x)$. Then we still want to choose $b(x)$ to have the lowest degree among non-zero polynomials, but when we find out that $\deg r(x) < \deg b(x)$, we immediately know that $r(x)$ is not a non-zero polynomial (i.e. $r(x) = 0$)

Solution 2:

The proof never uses $\deg 0.\,$ Below is an abstraction of the argument that may help clarify this, including a view as a prototypical least counterexample (minimal criminal) descent.

Say $\,f\in \bar J := J\backslash 0\,$ is $ $ good $ $ if $\,f\,$ divides every element of $\,\bar J\,$ (else say $\,f\,$ is $ $ bad, $ $ i.e. not good).

Division Algorithm $\Rightarrow$ bad $f$ are not minimal degree (by constructing a smaller degree $\,f'\in \bar J,\,$ i.e. the remainder $\,f' := g\bmod f,\,$ using $\,f\,$ bad $\,\Rightarrow\,f\nmid g\,$ for some $\,g\in\bar J).$

So a min degree $\,f\in \bar J$ must be good (if it were bad the above descent would yield a smaller deg $\,f'\in J,\,$ contra minimality). Note min degree $f$ exist by $\Bbb N$ is well-ordered (and $\bar J$ not empty).

Summary $ $ By $\Bbb N\,$ well-ordered, minimal degree elements exist; furthermore, by Euclidean remainder (mod) descent, bad elements are not minimal, thus a minimal element is good.

This method works generally - requiring only a descent on bads using a well-ordered set $N$ of "sizes", i.e. every nonempty subset of $N$ has a least element. $\,N = \Bbb N\,$ in the OP.

We can view the proof as a descent on bads (counterexamples), i.e. if all elements are bad, then choose $f\,$ to be a least degree bad (minimal criminal). As above, the division yields a smaller (degree) bad, contra minimality. So not all elements are bad, therefore a good element exists.

Or, equivalently, well-ordering implies that if we iterate our descent process to generate a descending chain of bads then the chain is finite, necessarily terminating at a good element, since, equivalently, well-ordering means there are no infinite descending chains.

This type of induction (descent) is ubiquitous in mathematics so it is well-worth the effort to master it early (in simple instances like this, since it will be more difficult to do so in more complex cases).

Remark $ $ The proof generalizes to any Euclidean domain, i.e. any domain enjoying division with smaller remainder. The key idea is that ideals are closed under remainder (mod), therefore the "least" $\,d\in I\,$ must divide every $\,i\in I,\,$ else $\,0\neq i\ {\rm mod}\ d\,$ is in $\,I\,$ and smaller than $\,d,\,$ contra minimality of $\,d.\,$ The descent in this proof can be interpreted constructively as computing a generator of $\,I\,$ by computing the gcd of its elements (by taking repeated remainders).

The idea extends to PIDs: (Dedekind-Hasse criterion) a domain $\rm\,D\,$ is a PID iff given $\rm\:0\neq a, b \in D,\:$ either $\rm\:a\:|\:b\:$ or some D-linear combination $\rm\:a\,d+b\,c\:$ is "smaller" than $\rm\,a.\,$ In a PID we can choose the number of prime factors as a measure of (Euclidean) size.