New posts in riemannian-geometry

Does $R(X, Y)Y$ lie in the plane spanned by $X$ and $Y$? [closed]

Adjoint of the covariant derivative on a Riemannian manifold

Riemannian metric of the tangent bundle

Continuous quasi-isometry between Riemannian manifolds

What comes after the curvature tensor in "higher derivatives"?

Isometries preserve geodesics

Prove that Christoffel symbols transformation law via the metric tensor

Could I understand the following results by interpreting curvature as acceleration?

"Self-sliding" surfaces

What is the affine connection, and what is the intuition behind/for affine connection?

Prove that isometries of the hyperbolic plane map horocycles to horocycles

Is the Nash Embedding Theorem a special case of the Whitney Embedding Theorem?

Manifolds with volume forms on every submanifold

Riemannian metric making a submanifold totally geodesic and with positive injectivity radius

Fixed Points Set of an Isometry

Advanced Differential Geometry Textbook

Does the Levi-Civita connection determine the metric?

What hyperbolic space *really* looks like

Equivalent definition of metric compatibility for a connection: what does $\nabla g$ mean?

Intuition of cocycles and their use in dynamical systems