New posts in recreational-mathematics

Integral for the New Year $2019$!

Quotient geometries known in popular culture, such as "flat torus = Asteroids video game"

Which is bigger: $9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9^{9}}}}}}}}}$ or $9!!!!!!!!!$?

Is it possible to draw this picture without lifting the pen?

How many ways are there to eat a chocolate bar?

Do all natural numbers have a nonzero multiple that is a palindrome in base 10?

Is $2^{16} = 65536$ the only power of $2$ that has no digit which is a power of $2$ in base-$10$?

Possible distinct positive real $x,y,z \neq 1$ with $x^{(y^z)} = y^{(z^x)} = z^{(x^y)}$ in cyclic permutation?

A new interesting pattern to $i\uparrow\uparrow n$ that looks cool (and $z\uparrow\uparrow x$ for $z\in\mathbb C,x\in\mathbb R$)

How to tell if a Rubik's cube is solvable?

Using Overpowered Theorems to Solve Easy Problems

Mathematical literature to lose yourself in

Joke explanation: "a comathematician is a device for turning cotheorems into ffee"

If the decimal expansion of $a/b$ contains "$7143$" then $b>1250$

Turning coins on a chessboard

Minesweeper - Chance of one-click win

Literary statements that are false as mathematics [closed]

Is there a clever solution to Arnold's "merchant problem"?

Proving a jigsaw is possible

What is the optimal number of dice to roll a Yahtzee in one roll?