New posts in r

Why (or when) is Rscript (or littler) better than R CMD BATCH?

Get a list of the data sets in a particular package

Raster image goes below base layer, while markers stay above: xIndex is ignored

Problem with mutate: seeking to fill each line of a column with samples that differ from one another

How to define the subset operators for a S4 class?

Removing specific rows from a dataframe

Creating squares with ggplot (what is the height of my y-axis when using categorical variable in y-scale?)

How to include geom_label for a column ggplot?

Run Sweave or knitr with objects from existing R session

R command line passing a filename to script in arguments (Windows)

Scatter plot with ggplot2 colored by dates

export data frames to Excel via xlsx with conditional formatting

Change colours of particular bars in a bar chart

How do I tell the R interpreter how to use the proxy server?

Add dropdown list to every column in a DT table where the values from the dropdown lists are fetched from another dataframe

How to pivot multiple times for different variables in one dataframe in R?

R string split and compress empty space

How can I pivot wider and transform my data frame?

How do I modify an existing a sheet in an Excel Workbook using Openxlsx package in R?

Running R Code from Command Line (Windows)