New posts in knitr

How to get an rmarkdown vignette for R package to escape CRAN warnings on Solaris and OSX

preventing a chunk run in rmarkdown

R Markdown - variable output name

How to request an early exit when knitting an Rmd document?

Is there an R Markdown equivalent to \Sexpr{} in Sweave?

Caption above figure using knitr (LaTeX/PDF)

R Knitr PDF: Is there a posssibility to automatically save PDF reports (generated from .Rmd) through a loop?

Unicode with knitr and Rmarkdown

Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc

possible to create latex multicolumns in xtable?

Set the width of regulartable() when exported in word document

Empty values of correlation matrix cause problen in knitting table on word document

Run Sweave or knitr with objects from existing R session

Producing subscripts in R markdown

How can I embed a plot within a RMarkdown table?

Automatically adjust LaTeX table width to fit pdf using knitr and Rstudio

Accessing objects from another mardown file

including a interactive 3D figure with knitr

Use R code or Windows user variable ("%userprofile%") in YAML?

How to send R markdown report in body of email?