New posts in r

Replicate each row of data.frame and specify the number of replications for each row?

How to use cast or another function to create a binary table in R

Converting numeric time to datetime POSIXct format in R

Change the color of action button in shiny

How to stack error bars in a stacked bar plot using geom_errorbar?

XPath and namespace specification for XML documents with an explicit default namespace

Maps, ggplot2, fill by state is missing certain areas on the map

Efficiently merging two data frames on a non-trivial criteria

How to sort all dataframes in a list of dataframes on the same column?

Reading PSV (pipe-separated) file or string

"Set Difference" between two vectors with duplicate values

Bars in geom_bar have unwanted different widths when using facet_wrap

plot stacked bar plot in R

Row-wise sort then concatenate across specific columns of data frame

Specify monospace font in `menu`

Is it possible to use R Plotly library in R Script Visual of Power BI?

Error with select function from dplyr

cut() function puts all data in a single interval

What is the significance of the new Reference Classes?

What is the current state of Unit testing support in the R language