New posts in python-internals

How does Python's cmp_to_key function work?

Very strange behavior of operator 'is' with methods

Why does '() is ()' return True when '[] is []' and '{} is {}' return False?

Why is hardcoding this list slower than calculating it?

Where is Python's shutdown procedure setting module globals to None documented?

What are __signature__ and __text_signature__ used for in Python 3.4

Why does list ask about __len__?

Why does creating a list from a list make it larger?

Why is the size of 2⁶³ 36 bytes, but 2⁶³-1 is only 24 bytes?

How references to variables are resolved in Python

Two variables in Python have same id, but not lists or tuples

Complexity of len() with regard to sets and lists

Why is string's startswith slower than in?

Using a function defined in an exec'ed string in Python 3 [duplicate]

'is' operator behaves unexpectedly with floats

Set literal gives different result from set function call

Where is the "from __future__ import braces" code?

How is unicode represented internally in Python?

How exactly is Python Bytecode Run in CPython?

Why is variable1 += variable2 much faster than variable1 = variable1 + variable2?