New posts in cpython

Why is the size of 2⁶³ 36 bytes, but 2⁶³-1 is only 24 bytes?

What do the parentheseses mean in the c code? [duplicate]

Why is string's startswith slower than in?

Using NumPy and Cpython with Jython

How can I tell which python implementation I'm using?

How exactly is Python Bytecode Run in CPython?

OrderedDict comprehensions

How to generate a repeatable random number sequence?

Different object size of True and False in Python 3

Why is code using intermediate variables faster than code without?

Nested list comprehension scope

What is python-dev package used for

Are sets ordered like dicts in python3.6

IronPython vs. Python .NET

Boolean identity == True vs is True

Why does tuple(set([1,"a","b","c","z","f"])) == tuple(set(["a","b","c","z","f",1])) 85% of the time with hash randomization enabled?

Why does the `is` operator behave differently in a script vs the REPL?

Python string with space and without space at the end and immutability

How to load a C# dll in python?

list() uses slightly more memory than list comprehension