New posts in punctuation

Dashes usage for additional explanation after or before a comma?

Punctuation after such as

Can the word "slash" (/) be used in writing? [duplicate]

Direction of apostrophe in Hawai'i

Confused as to whether I should use commas or not

What’s the usage of apostrophes in " ‘Bye, ‘bye "?

Use of a comma within a descriptive phrase

Can I place a sentence between em-dashes? Do I put a period?

Isn't this comma erroneous? Otherwise, what "type" of comma is it?

How should the punctuation work for "and, therefore,"?

Why are some of the words capitalized even though they do not refer to God or something Godly?

Is a comma necessary before "for which"?

It's embarrassing <?> the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss

When "etc." is followed by "that", does it still require a comma?

How many hyphens in University of Oxford-based? [duplicate]

Use of colon or other options?

Is there a comma *after* a list with an Oxford comma?

Usage of a comma for emphasis

Proper punctuation of “John’s last words were ‘———’ ” [duplicate]

Punctuation mark for the odd, weird or unusual [closed]