New posts in proverbs

Is there any idiom or proverb discouraging knowledge?

English idiom or proverb equivalent for "if everybody is doing it, I will also do it"

What method of counting puts Twelfth Night on January 6th?

Is there an adage in English for "realizing you are not the biggest"?

Is there a set phrase for being polite to a person only when they are present?

Are there English equivalents to a Japanese old saying, “Be the mouth of cock rather than remaining as the tail of ox”?

Are there any English sayings equivalent to the Japanese proverb, “Go to bed early and wait for the good news”?

What does 'a death by thousand cuts' mean? [closed]

What does Théoden’s quote “Oft evil will shall evil mar” in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings mean?

Meaning of "medicine bringeth double care when the malady is past cure"

In my native language, we have this obscene saying - don't take a dump in the barrel of honey

Is there English proverb equivalent to Japanese and Korean one, “The ground becomes solid after a heavy rain”?

Proverb: If Something is Managed By Many, Things Are Missed

What's the equal and opposite proverb of "Variety is the spice of life"?

What's the difference between a proverb and an idiom? [closed]

Are there English figurative expressions equivalent to Japanese idiom 馬耳東風 meaning a person who doesn’t listen to other’s advice?

Is there English proverb or saying equivalent to Chinese / Japanese common proverb 李下に冠を正さず- Don’t touch (redress) your coronet under the plum tree?

Idiom for the effect that money from funding is easier to spend, as opposed to one's own savings

Words are not sparrows; once they have flown they cannot be recaptured

What is the meaning of "Many a mickle makes a muckle"?