New posts in proverbs

Synonym for asking for a discount just before closing a deal

Translation of German "Es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird"

Are there figurative English proverbs (or idioms) to mean an expert (or likely winner) makes a great mistake?

Is there an English equivalent of the Hindi saying “sau chuhe maar billi haj ko chali”? (After killing/eating 100 mice, the cat goes on a pilgrimage)

The meaning of "takes two to know"

English equivalent of a Kannada proverb

Are there any English sayings to the effect that little changes may lead to big changes?

English proverb for when a solution comes too late

Phrase to describe an offhanded comment that has a big influence on another [duplicate]

Is there honour among thieves or not?

The logic behind "better safe than sorry"

Spoken word equivalent for "paper does not refuse ink"

Origin of the idiom "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts"?

Origin of "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."?

English equivalent of "To those you try to help, he says I am only right." [closed]

English equivalent for a Portuguese saying on “bad company”

What is a saying for "a bookish inexperience preaching the experienced"

Meaning of: "No man is an island, entire of itself"

What is the origin of the phrase "Never Put a Hat on a Bed"?

Effect called when humans overvalue one good event after series of Bad events and Overexaggeration one single bad event after series of Good events