New posts in proof-writing

Showing that $f(x,y)\sim f(x_0,y_0)+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\Delta x + \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\Delta y$

Is there formula to easily factorize $7+4 \sqrt{3}$ to $(2+ \sqrt{3} )^2$? [duplicate]

Do eigenvectors always form a basis?

How can I learn about proofs for computer science?

Mathematical writing guidelines

Theorem 6.12(a) Of Baby Rudin. Alternative Proof Of $ \int_a^b \left( f_1 + f_2 \right) d \alpha = \int_a^b f_1 d \alpha + \int_a^b f_2 d \alpha$

Verifying proof :an Ideal $P$ is prime Ideal if $R/P$ is an integral domain.

Please verify my proof of: There is no integer $\geq2$ sum of squares of whose digits equal the integer itself.

There exists a positive real number $u$ such that $u^3 = 3$

Cannot find a mistake in an incorrect proof.

Instructive examples of elegant, clear, rigorous, terse, but "non-dull" mathematical prose

Why don't mathematicians introduce intuition behind concepts as physicists do?

prove that $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is surjective if and only if $f(f^{-1}(C))=C$

Proof of $(A - B) - C = A - (B \cup C)$

How to structure long proofs

How to prove that if $x>0$, $y>0$, and $x>y$, then $x^2>y^2$? [duplicate]

role of definitions in proofs

Proof of an inequality using analytic geometry

Counter example for $(A \times B) \cap (C \times D) = (A \cap C ) \times (B \cap D)$

Is there a better alternative to the phrase, 'it holds that'?