New posts in pronunciation

The pronunciation of buoy

English letter sequence with most pronunciations

What source explains the different pronunciations of "hol" in "alcohol" and "hollow"?

Difference between IPA ɚ, ɹ, and ɝ

Is "po-TAH-to" an acceptable pronunciation for "potato"?

Etymology and pronunciation of arch-, archi-

"Extra W" sound in words

How to pronounce [ɹɾɚ] in American English?

Website giving pronunciations of English words recorded in different dialects?

Palatalization of the initial "s" in words starting with "str-"

How to pronounce fractions with denominators larger than 20 where the last digit of the denominator is 1 or 2? eg 4/31

Strong /strɔːŋ/ → stronger /strɔːŋɡər/ - Why do we have to put an extra /g/ in front of /ər/? Is it a rule?

Why is "poignant" pronounced /ˈpɔɪɲənt/?

Is there a rule for the correct pronunciation of words starting with "ex"?

How do you pronounce "fifths"?

Why is "str" sometimes pronounced as "shtr"? [duplicate]

"supposed to" or "suppose to"?

How do you pronounce "would've", "should've" and "could've"?

The King James edition of the Bible, 'an Hebrew'

A term for words that change pronunciation with part of speech