New posts in pronunciation

Words starting with a 'gw' sound: how many exist? Where do they come from?

Pronunciation of "loch"

How can I differentiate between the pronunciation of "w" and "v"?

Distinguishing /f–t–θ/ in th-fronting and th-stopping dialects

Different pronunciation between Thomas and Theodore

Correct pronunciation of the word "Radchaai" [closed]

Do American people put a glottal stop[ʔ] before explosive sounds?

Why does the "e" in judge vanish in the word "judgment"?

Difference in pronunciation of "a team" and "A team"?

Why is "service" pronounced the way it is?

Why is there this Intrusive /h/ in English accent?

How do students respond to the "roll call" and how do you pronounce it?

Is the correct pronunciation of "Have you seen Mary's book" "Mary book"?

Birth of a universe vs birth of an universe [duplicate]

Why did "which" lose its L (it was "hwilch")?

East Yorkshire pronunciation in the mid 20th century

Pronunciation of "scone"

Why is "door" pronounced with an "o" sound and not a "u"?

Word contractions in Shakespeare's plays

How did Shakespeare pronounce "hautboys"?