New posts in pronouns

"Among themselves" or "among them"?

Genderless subject pronoun writing [duplicate]

Why himself and themselves, not hisself and theirselves? [duplicate]

"Our generation" - it, they or we?

Default gender for pronouns [duplicate]

“A threat to us people” or “a threat to we people”? [closed]

Pronoun reference & other enigmas in a poem by H. D. Thoreau

Is this just a peculiarity of the specific text, or does the disuse of "‑self" to indicate the reflexive here speak to broader trends?

scope of 'everybody': infelicitous use of 'it'

"There is a picture of myself on the wall." Can a reflexive pronoun be used without an antecedent like this?

Are these sentences grammatically correct? (the usage of "everything")

Which is the correct possessive pronoun in this example? our vs their

Which are right choices in: “Can you imagine him/his forgetting his own birthday?”

Pronoun problems!

Why is there no relative pronoun in Bronte's sentence?

In a business proposal, which personal pronoun should be used?

Help reworking a sentence to make it less ambigious

Usage of "our" in sentences where we skip that/which are

Is it typical native speaker usage to inconsistently use the pronoun "one" in a paragraph?

What would "they" refer to in this sentence?