New posts in problem-solving

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Resources like "How to solve it" by Polya

Infinite summation of recursive integral

Does there exist a polynomial $f(x)$ with real coefficients such that $f(x)^2$ has fewer nonzero coefficients than $f(x)$?

What does it mean to solve a math problem analytically?

How could I sieve through the extra solutions to $\sin\theta +\cos\theta=\sin2\theta $in the interval $[-\pi,\pi]$?

Finding the general term of a sequence

Prove Divisibility In Fibonacci Sequence Over A Prime Number

Finding smallest circle enclosing all points given their $x,y$-coordinates?

Solving challenging logarithm equation

Issues with text problems

'Fixed Point' Irrationals

Real Induction Over Multiple Variables?

Chess board combinatorics

What is the best play strategy for a game called "21"?

Defining joint distribution of two uniform variables where one is bounded by the other

On a Putnam's 2009 problem [duplicate]

Probability of winning a prize in a raffle

Inequality $\frac{a + \sqrt{ab} + \sqrt[3]{abc}}{3} \leq \sqrt[3]{a \cdot \frac{a+b}{2} \cdot \frac{a+b+c}{3}}.$

Asking 2011 Putnam B6