New posts in probability

Fastest primality test

What is the insight behind the Lebesgue integral?

Keep the value of an 8-sided die roll, or gamble by taking a 12-sided die roll. What's the best strategy?

if $X,Y$ be a random independent variables if $X+Y$ and $Y$ has the same distribution, then $\mathbb{P}[X=0]=1$

Is correlation (in some sense) transitive?

Is conditional probability also probability?

Why is my intuition wrong that one of two archers win in a tournament?

Using the Central Limit Theorem to show $\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{(n-1)!} \int_0^n x^{n-1}e^{-x} dx= 1/2$

Sensitivity and specificity of a repeated test

Let $Y_1, \ldots , Y_n$ be independent with $Y_k \sim U(0,1).$ If $S_n=\Sigma_k kY_k$, show that $4S_n/n^2$ converges in distribution to $1.$

What the probability that the door will be operational at any point in time?

Most efficient strategy for guessing outcome of (fair) dice roll?

Rooks on a 8 by 8 checker board. Probability problem

Evaluating $\lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{1}{\theta} (1-\frac{z/\theta}{n})^{n-1}$

What is the Probability of someone meeting a person they know on a train?

if $A$ subset of $B$ then $P(B)-P(A)=P(B\setminus A)\ge 0$

Conditional distiribution of $X\mid X+Y=c$ with $X,Y$ iid $\sim \exp(1)$ distributions [closed]

Probability the three points on a circle will be on the same semi-circle [duplicate]

Probability of two uniform random numbers being more than $\frac{1}{2}$ apart

Find the probability function of $X_1+X_2$ in geometric distribution