New posts in probability

What's the expected number of times I have to roll two die until they both sum $7$?

On the probability of getting the same number for three dice

Variation on Vandermonde's identity

How do you prove that if $ X_t \sim^{iid} (0,1) $, then $ E(X_t^{2}X_{t-j}^{2}) = E(X_t^{2})E(X_{t-j}^{2})$?

$k$ times's draw from $n$ numbers with replacement, each number at least appear once

If you roll two fair six-sided dice, what is the probability that the sum is 4 or higher?

Formally, why does a logical contradiction have probability zero?

If two coins are flipped and one gets head, what is the probability that both get head?

$4$ dogs have been born in the same week. What is the probability that they were born on different days?

$f(X) = \mathbb{E}[Y|X]$ maximizes correlation coefficient $Cor(Y,f(X))$?

Understanding the "Birthday Problem"

Sum of two independent normal distributed random variables

Sum-Product of Random Variables

Strategy in a waiting time game: fisherman's dilemma

Percolation theory critical density simple proof!

Bayes Theorem Example in Nate Silver's The Signal and the Noise

perfect play in 1-dimensional Minesweeper

Variational formulations in group theory?

How was "Number of ways of arranging n chords on a circle with k simple intersections" solved?

Expected Number of Flips for a Sequence of 4 to Repeat