New posts in probability

Eighty percent of a hawk’s offspring are able to fly when they are pushed out of the nest for the first time. Let D denote the number of ...

Evaluate this number. Is it close to 1 or 0?

Is the kth central moment less than the kth raw moment for even k?

How to incrementally sample without replacement?

How long does it take for a given number of Minecraft sugar cane plants to grow to full size?

Objective metric to describe skill vs luck in games that include randomness

Minimum mean square estimation with 3 random variable

Probability of event with repetition [closed]

Extinction probability in a population with competition

Number of cards to be pulled

$10$ distinct color balls and we want to divide them into $3$ identical boxes with hard restrictions and probability

How can we show a sequence convergence to almost surely in conditional expectation

Dividing a class into two equal groups , I can't find my mistake

Probability that n people collectively occupy all 365 birthdays

tail probabilities for the sum of independent Laplace random variables

Algorithm to generate Poisson and binomial random numbers?

$1/2$ or $1$? probability that all bacteria will die

Find the probability that a matrix is diagonalizable

Coupon collector's problem revisited (brute force calculation)

Escaping Prisoner Probability Question