New posts in probability

Tail sum for expectation

Average distance between two random points in a square

Can we prove the law of total probability for continuous distributions?

Intuition behind the Definition of Conditional Probability (for 2 Events)

Expected Value of a Binomial distribution?

Expected Value of Max of IID Variables

birthday problem - expected number of collisions

Probability that given weight is on the heavier side of a balance

$a$ point is chosen randomly in $[0,5]$, $b$ is chosen randomly from $[1,6]$. Find $P(\int_\sqrt{b}^a xdx>\frac{3}{2})$?

Is it possible to get all possible sums with the same probability if I throw two unfair dice together?

Identity for simple 1D random walk

Does Monty Hall logic apply to this real world situation?

If nine coins are tossed, what is the probability that the number of heads is even?

Find $ P(Z>X+Y)$ where $X,Y,Z \sim U(0,1)$ independently

Coupon Collector Problem with Batched Selections

What are numerical methods of evaluating $P(1 < Z \leq 2)$ for standard normal Z?

Question about connection between Poisson and Gamma distributions

$X$ is a random variable. $f_X(x)=2xdx$ is the density function of $X$ such that $x\in[0,1]$.$Y=\lfloor NX\rfloor$ such that $N\in \mathbb {N}$.

How many fair dice exist?

On average, how many friends would I need to have to have at least one friend's birthday every day? [duplicate]