New posts in probability

Why Central limit theorem is not giving the correct Level of significance?

A dice is rolled until a $6$ occurs. What is the probability that the sum including the $6$ is even?

Simulate repeated rolls of a 7-sided die with a 6-sided die

Probability of drawing the Jack of Hearts? [duplicate]

A family has three children. What is the probability that at least one of them is a boy?

pdf of a quotient of uniform random variables

Lunch Meeting Probability for two person to meet in given 1 hour slot and none would wait more then 15 minute. [closed]

The minimum of two independent geometric random variables

Density function of average of max and min of uniform random variables

How can I generate "random" curves?

Can one infer independence by simple reasoning/intuition?

Why does this expected value simplify as shown?

How can I show that the maximum is 0?

How to show that this seq. of r.v.-s $X_n=n 1_{\{[0, \frac{1}{n}\}}$ converge to $0$ a.s.?

What does multiplication mean in probability theory?

Is Mega Millions Positive Expected Value?

Is it true that $E_{\theta} \left ( \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \log p_{\theta} (X) \right ) = 0$?

Find moment generating function for given random variable

Joint probability of $P(X<Y)$

Independent, Pairwise Independent and Mutually Independent events