New posts in probability-theory


confusion on determining integral limits in bivarite distribution

Uniform Integrability: domination implies UI

Difficulty showing Cochran's theorem for the chi-squared distribution due to dependence of variables

Probability that a number is divisible by 11

How to calculate the jump of $e^{{\rm i}N_ty-\operatorname E[N_t](e^{{\rm i}y}-1)}$ for a Poisson process $N$?

An urn with 32 balls where $5\choose r$ are labelled with the number $r$ (for $r=0,1,2,3,4,5$).

Why does the number of possible probability distributions have the cardinality of the continuum?

Prove $X(\omega) = \sup\{y \in \mathbb{R}: F(y) < \omega\}$ is a random variable.

Prove X is a martingale

Minimum of two geometric random variables is geometric [duplicate]

What is the theoretical justification for alternatives to MSE minimalisation?

Analysis of a calculation of expected number of collisions in hashing

One of inequalities in the proof of Martingale transforms convergence

Brownian motion and Beta distribution

Expository articles on Analysis and Probability theory

$n$-th power of stochastic exponential

Cover time chess board (king)

Convergence of series $\sum\limits_{k=1}^\infty\frac{1}{X_1+\dots+X_k}$ with $(X_k)$ i.i.d. non integrable

How often was the most frequent coupon chosen?