New posts in probability-theory

What is the expected convex depth of a set of $m$ randomly chosen points in the unit square?

Girsanov: Change of drift, that depends on the process

From conditional probability to conditional expectation?

Conditional expectation $\mathbb E\left(\exp\left(\int_0^tX_sdB_s\right) \mid \mathcal F_t^X\right)$

Mathematical description of a random sample

What is the meaning of the cumulant generating function itself?

What is the intuitive difference between almost sure convergence and convergence in probability? [duplicate]

understand what ∪n∈NUn = (0, 2) ⊃ (0, 1] means [closed]

A question about stochastic processes and stopping times

$\mathcal{M}(X)$ compact in Weak* Topology

Characteristic Function and Random Variable Transformation

Alternative proof of an intereting identity of Catalan's Numbers and central binomial coefficients

Can random variable $X$ take $2$ (or more values) in this situation?

Probability measures on a Polish space

Kullback divergence vs chi-square divergence

smallest sigma algebra possible roll of a die n times [closed]

Are these two definitions of independence of random variables equivalent?

Pove that $Y=μ+σX$ if $X\sim N(0,1)$.

What does it mean by $\mathcal{F}$-measurable?

Confusion with the narrow and weak* convergence of measures