New posts in probability-distributions

Poisson distribution with exponential parameter

Pdf of $Z=XY$ where $X$ and $Y$ are independent uniform$(0,1)$ variables

My solution to compute type II error

Chebyshev's inequality to find minimum

Compute variance of logistic distribution

Convergence a.s. of a series of positive random variables.

Distribution of weighted sum of Bernoulli RVs

For symmetric stable distributions, why is $\alpha \le 2$?

Defining joint distribution of two uniform variables where one is bounded by the other

Functions of One Random Variable

Create the most 'stressful' tennis match ever!

What's the median of $f(x) = 4xe^{-2x}$?

Average number of days to reach hell?

Concentration of measure bounds for multivariate Gaussian distributions (fixed)

Almost surely positive.

Closed-form of $\mathbb E(\|G\|_\infty)$ where $G\sim\mathcal N(0,\mathbf{Id}_n)$.

Maximum of a sum of random variables

Mean distance between 2 points in a ball

Random variables defined on the same probability space with different distributions

Conceptual difference between Poisson and uniform distribution