New posts in plist

how dangerous is it to give zsh full disk access?

When should I use the various storage mechanisms in iOS?

Where does the OS X routing table come from?

Delete a specific key value using the defaults delete command line tool

macOS - Difference between /Library/Preferences/ & /Library/Managed\ Preferences

Editing the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ file

What does "com.developer.application" mean?

How can i save, retrieve, delete & update my data in Plist file in ios?

List view in Finder is broken

Command-line tool for converting PLIST to JSON?

Where is a Mac Application's NSUserDefaults Data Stored?

Display Terminal message on login won't open after I edited Info.plist

'defaults write PasswordManagerEnabled true' has no effect

How can I migrate all keyboard shortcuts from one mac to another?

How to see all options configurable by "defaults write ..." [duplicate]

Why I cannot extend value column for plist files?

writing NSDictionary to plist in my app bundle

How to get a launchd plist to diretly run a complex 1 line bash command?

Where is the date and time preference data saved on Mac?