Display Terminal message on login

I like the message of the day for this. As tradition dictates...

me@Mac ~ % echo "Welcome to the University of East Westia" > /tmp/motd
me@Mac ~ % sudo mv /tmp/motd /etc

Note: /etc/motd is only displayed in a login shell, which is typical of Terminal.app on macOS. If you typically run non-login shells, you should handle display of /etc/motd in your shell dot files.

Have you tried editing your dotfiles?

As a reference, in my ~/.zshrc I have at the very top the command neofetch. Per se, it is just a command you can execute from your shell. In this way, anytime I start a new iTerm2/Terminal window or tab I get the command executed and have this displayed.

my terminal at launch

The same can be done by writing at the top of your config file something as the following: echo "### this is a test ###"