Select disk destination on app installation with keyboard
On most app installers you have to select a disk where you want the installation. Is there any possible way to select it without the use of the trackpad or the mouse?
Solution 1:
Once you have reached the screen that requests you to "select the disk where you want to install macOS using keyboard", to select the disk destination:
- Turn "VoiceOver" on by pressing: cmd + F5 (laptops might need to
use "cmd + fn + F5"
- Move around on a pane you are interacting with by using the following: Control-Option-Arrows (up/down/left/right) Example: control + option + "up arrow" -- You will move your selection to the next selection above...
- To select a sub-category (e.g. in a grid or table) use: Control-Option-Shift-Down Arrow
- To exit a sub-category use: Control-Option-Shift-Up Arrow