New posts in plist

Is there a way to see what image is currently being used as the Mac OS X desktop background / wallpaper?

Why everything counts from year 1970?

How can I use $HOME or ~/ in my log paths of launchd plist to run as LaunchAgent [duplicate]

Understanding the contents of

Edit a date value in plist from terminal

launchd hitting every modified file every 30 seconds

Trigger the Creation of a Specific Preference List?

how do I enable multiple sshd ports in Mountain Lion

launchctl plist has a stderr that talks about how getcwd operation not permitted so how do I fix it?

How can I customize the right click menu?

Can't quit app launched through launchd

Does changing a daemon's plist file extension prevent it from being loaded?

Error while executing .plist file Path had bad ownership/permissions

Editing a system preferences .plist file (not user preferences .plist file)

Where is macOS 10.14 Mojave ResponsiveDesignCustomPresetConfigurations?

Should I use NSUserDefaults or a plist to store data?

Reading values from plist nested dictionaries in shell script

How do I comment lines in .plist file?

error code 4960 when saving a .plist

Export or list system settings that deviate from defaults