New posts in phrase-meaning

What's the meaning of "that's saying a lot."?

monged on Dylan Thomas

Why have I not heard "radical muslim terrorism" on TV?

"Cried his father in transports"

Meaning of "stub your toe" (apply too much cologne to oneself)?

Does the phrase 'human race' allude to the idea of a relay?

What does 'there's nothing to say that...' mean?

Function of a line in this Reading Comprehension

Turn the world upside down

"Politics stops at water’s edge" -- meaning

Meaning of Pudding of a young man

What does "rings around the brain" mean?

What's the difference between "authentication" and "authorization"?

Meaning of "go to!" as an (old) exclamation

Does the phrase "born and bred" usually connote a sense of pride and eminence in any way?

"To the extent of" in this context

What does Quentin Crisp mean with the quote "To know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody"?

What does Fire Keramik and Fire Lubline mean? [closed]

Cabbage-hood meaning in the sentence

Meaning of the phrase "Death by a thousand paper cuts"