New posts in phonology

Strange verb string tonal pattern

How many syllables were in 3ps endings with -th

Words like "threshold"?

Genitive of Fritz [duplicate]

N before labials

phonological process

How do people actually pronounce "Orange"?

Linking /r/ and elision

Why is the letter "c" pronounced like /s/ when it comes before “e”, “i”, or “y”, but as /k/ elsewhere?

Rendezvous with Ray [closed]

Do /ɪə/, /eə/, /ʊə/ diphthongs actually exist in General American as phonemes?

Am I semi-rhotic?

Example words with ɛ: + difference between ɛ: and ɛ [closed]

Why does the letter "a" correspond to /ɪ/ in words like "image", "private" and "surface" (American English)?

Is there any word with two consecutive monophthongs whose symbols could be combined to a diphthong? [closed]

Voiceless noun endings with voiced verb endings

I gonna vs. I'm gonna

Not fully pronounced oʊ (ō) sound in some words

Is /l/ in “whole” dark or clear?

Is English simplifying its phonology? Or are there examples of new linguistic distinctions being created?