New posts in partial-differential-equations

Prove an identity for the continuous integral solution of the conservation law

How come, in the heat equation, the maximum can not be attained on the upper boundary of the rectangle we construct?

The extension of smooth function

$H^{1}$ or $H^{-1}$?

Find the Green's Function and solution of a heat equation on the half line

PDEs on Manifolds

What is the essential difference between ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations?

A PDE exercise from Gilbarg Trudinger. problem 2.2

Symmetries and eigenvalues of the Laplacian.

Non-linear partial differential equation

Sobolev space counterexample

Variational formulation of Robin boundary value problem for Poisson equation in finite element methods

What kinds of PDE can't be solved by separation of variables?

Understand 1D FEM solution using quadratics elements

Why are Sobolev spaces useful?

How is Young's inequality applied in this equation?

Question on the proof of Lemma 6.10 in Gilbarg/Trudinger

Physical interpretation of Laplace equation

Expansion of the derivatives of the electric and magnetic fields

Exponential order in Laplace Transform:constructing a function such that it is of exponential order but its derivative is not.