New posts in packages

"import as" in R

Package name does not correspond to the file path - IntelliJ

When you do "apt-get install" where are the .deb files stored?

SVN directly to tar

Package(Plugin) Management for Vim

How can I show vertical indentations markers with Emacs?

Install package from oldstable (wheezy) to stable (jessie)

rkhunter reports change in file properties, but I don't see that they've been updated by yum

Where to get debian mirror status?

Should interfaces be placed in a separate package? [closed]

What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? [closed]

Install a specific package version in CentOS

Why isn't there a openjdk-8-jdk package on debian anymore?

How to install i386 package under amd64 ubuntu/debian

Couldn't find package gitolite on Ubuntu 10.04

Do you put Babel and Webpack in devDependencies or Dependencies?

CentOS PCI Compliance assessment

How can I perform a full texlive installation (all packages) in CentOS?

How do I install zlib on Debian 6?

Making an executable in Cython