New posts in packages

Dism and removing a "package" from an Installed windows 7 64bit

No RTools compatible with R version 3.5.0 was found

Fast Levenshtein distance in R?


Do you remove unwanted packages (*NIX), or do you disable them?

installing packages without sudo access

jupyter notebook running kernel in different env

Simple statistics - Java packages for calculating mean, standard deviation, etc [closed]

How do you use multiple versions of the same R package?

What do you expect from a package manager for Emacs? [closed]

Compiling multiple packages using the command line in Java

Install whereis command on alpine linux

What do the *-dev packages in the Linux package repositories actually contain?

How to install multiple packages?

How can I download ubuntu packages in windows to install them on an offline ubuntu machine?

R: 2 functions with the same name in 2 different packages

How to get the list of options that Python was compiled with?

Why is bluetooth support one of the default packages in "Base" when doing an RHEL/CentOS server install? [closed]

rebuilding packages and the package manager on debian

How to completely remove a package in Ubuntu (like it never existed)