New posts in osx-spaces

Can I use a Terminal command to switch to a specific space in OS X 10.6?

Focus issues in OS X Spaces

Is there a way to script setting up a space (mission control) in OSX?

In OS X is there a way to assign an application window to a specific monitor?

Opening a new window in spaces with Mac OS X

Exposé in 10.7: When exposing “Application Windows”, how do you show only the windows in the current space?

Is there a way in Mac OS X to stop applications from stealing focus, especially between spaces?

OSX El Capitan - Spaces bar - Show expanded window thumbnails/previews by default?

Relative Spaces in Snow Leopard

Changing default shortcut for Spaces on a Macbook Pro with Snow Leapord?

Ubuntu-style Multiple Desktops for Mac OS X

How do I stop Google Chrome from changing the current space in Spaces in Mac OS X?

What is the keyboard shortcut to toggle fullscreen in OSX Mountain Lion?

How to make a single window on Mac OS X sticky to every desktop space?

Changing name of Space in Mac OS X Lion

How can I stop OSX from combining spaces when I unplug a monitor?

Move windows between Spaces in Mac OS X using only the keyboard

Mac OS X: Command-Tab doesn't switch back to fullscreen app

Speed up OSX Spaces by reducing or eliminating the animation delay?

How do you disable the window switch animation when switching spaces with Mission Control?