Speed up OSX Spaces by reducing or eliminating the animation delay?

Is there any way to speed up the animation when you switch from one space to another on Mac OS X?

I'd like to make the space-transition quicker, or even instantaneous.

Does anybody know of any way to do this, or any software to do so?

This works on 10.7 (Mountain Lion) and below.

  1. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
  2. Copy and paste the following into the terminal window and then press enter:

    defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES && killall Dock

from hyperspace blog

If you can disable SIP, and you're using a modern version of OSX then you can accomplish this with the ChunkWM scripting addition.

It does this natively,

ability to switch active desktop instantly, bypassing the animation (High Sierra and Mojave)

As a side note, ChunkWM is open source. You can find the function responsible for the animation-less transitions here