Disabling "Sign In " tab on startup

No matter that

  • in SettingsBasicsOn startup, I have selected Open the home page
  • Home page is set to my internal address

Chrome still opens with two tabs: my Home page and a Sign in tab (in foreground!).

How do I disable this Sign in thing? I do not ever want to use it.

The version I'm using is Chrome 18.0.1025.168. (For purposes of testing, I'm intentionally using older version.)

Solution 1:

Open the "Preferences" file from your profile* and edit the "sync_promo" section. This might look something like:

   "sync_promo": {
      "startup_count": 6,
      "view_count": 4

In this section, add "user_skipped": true (don't forget the comma at the end of each line that is not the last in the section), like:

   "sync_promo": {
      "user_skipped": true,
      "startup_count": 6,
      "view_count": 4

Find the information in this YouTube video. So, thanks to Vlăduţ Frăţiman.

  • profile path: open chrome://version/ or C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences in Windows 7. You can use Notepad to edit it.

Solution 2:

in SettingsBasicsOn startup, choose Open the following pages and put this link


Solution 3:

This has been bugging me for a while and it appears Google is encouraging people to sign in.

I needed to make another tweak for anyone who has had this problem recently.

Script before:

"http://www.google.co.uk/" ]
   "sync": {
      "suppress_start": true
   "sync_promo": {
      "startup_count": 3,
      "user_skipped": true

Script after fix:

"http://www.google.co.uk/" ]
   "sync": {
      "user_skipped": true
      "suppress_start": true
   "sync_promo": {
      "startup_count": 3,
      "user_skipped": true

Works for me.

Solution 4:

Sometimes sign in page appears at every startup because you installed an extension that needs to communicate with your google account.

for example "Google Keep" ask you to sign in because it saves favorite links in your google account.

It is better to first check installed extension. chrome://extensions

Solution 5:

Just click on the "No, thanks" link at the bottom of the sign in page.